Läst klart: Distant av Matt Adams

Från bokens baksida:
"Explosions. It's been two thousand years since mankind cracked open the cosmos, and though spacetime heals all wounds, the world is not the same. Humans—some recognizable, some hyper-evolved in ways both fantastic and horrifying—form alien communities. The Laws of Physics are now simply vague suggestions: you must manage what crosses your mind, because reality might just bend itself around your most idle though. And of course, there are always those that embrace the darkness within the human heart, but in this age, they can give it form as well.... Ke'ith has spent his life exploring, learning, and finally teaching others how to control their nightmares and let their dreams blossom into new realities...but now he's restless. His mid-life crisis was settling down in a lonely cabin on a mountainside overlooking an isolated town. But perhaps his time of wandering isn't over just yet, because he knows in his heart...if he's meant to be anywhere... ...it's somewhere distant."

Jag kommer göra en sak annorlunda denna gång. Jag känner nämligen författaren. Vi har varit internetvänner i..... oj, jag vet inte helt säkert, men från mitten/slutet av 90-talet någon gång. Så jag kommer skriva recensionen på engelska.
This was like stepping into a whole new world, but which still had similarities with our own. It IS our world, but way down the line. At first it's a lot to take in and keep track of. It took a while for me to get a grip on everything, but when the character Ke'ith has to leave town I pretty much got it. Which of course meant that more was coming.
The world and the characters are interesting and some of them I would like to get to know more. I get both a fantasy- and a scifi-feeling about the book. When Ke'ith first meets Grzzy I even get a strong feeling of video games. The way he asks questions, which she answers, reminds me very much of the type of games where you get several choices when interacting with other characters. You can ask A or B or leave and when you've asked B you've got the other choices left....you get the point. It got me thinking that this book would make a good game. I CALL RAINA!

Yes, I liked the character Raina the most. I liked all the characters, except for Shawn who drove me crazy (but he's kind of supposed to do that). Raina stood out though. When she first appeared it was like she was only going to be a background figure, but my instincts still stuck to her and then she became one of the bigger characters. I'm glad I was right. There are several potential follow-ups after this book. Prequals would work to. The author has created an interesting and MASSIVE world filled with so many opportunities.

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